1 minute read


Anna seems to be around 20 years old. That’s not even her name. I just made that up. It is just that she looks like an “Anna”, the way that some people look like a “John” or a “Karen”. Hasn’t it ever happened to you? You meet someone and, almost intuitively, you “know” that person’s name.

Anna has the characteristics of those who have an Asian ethnicity. Those soft traits, those interesting eyes... She wears black rimmed glasses and looks way concentrated on the computer's big screen. Every now and then she has to cope with what seems to be a runny nose. I thought she was crying but, upon closer inspection, it is more of an allergy or a cold what she is suffering. Her horizontal striped hoodie makes her tiny figure even more... wider.

Anna seems to be listening to some music. Or maybe even trying to muffle the murmur in the coffee shop. She is wearing her black earphones. That kind of wired earphones that are easily damaged, lost, and that most people with some sense of respect carry with them when they intend to listen to some music while on public transport. Whatever. I can only imagine what kind of music she is listening to.

She has switched now her focus to her cell phone. The kind of phone that happens to be as big as a bathroom tile. She has just received a message. She smiles while she reads it, gets up, and walks away, sniffles and all.